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3 Valentine’s Day Traditions Worth Starting

By Connection, Quality Time4 Comments

While Valentine’s Day should be all about the love, people often are divided on how to celebrate. Some *love* this holiday. They love the traditions that come with it. Weeks ago they put out the heart-shaped decor around the house and started crafting the classroom valentines their kids will hand out, just like they used to when they were in school. Days ago they picked out a red sweater to wear to work today and picked up heart-shaped candy to put out on their desk like they do every year. When they get home, they’ll look forward to the annual romantic dinner paired with a gift from their partner.

Others, well, not so much. They think this day is full of traditions of overspending, consumerism, and inauthentic expressions of love.

Regardless of where you fall, there is value in tying tradition into the holiday. Valentine’s Day can be a great way to remind yourselves to do things for your relationship because well, it’s tradition! We’ve got some different types of traditions worth starting. They might not all be realistic to do this year, but bring these up with your partner and decide what traditions you want to start – and maybe you already have some that fit these suggestions. Read More

5 Ways Curiosity Improves Your Marriage

Start Feeling Happier in Your Marriage- Part 2

By ConnectionOne Comment

Last week we posed the question: Do you feel happy and satisfied in your marriage? We acknowledged that the answer is not always simple, and that there are many dynamic factors that affect how satisfied you and your spouse feel with your relationship. While they can seem beyond your control, the good news is that you and your spouse actually do have a say in almost of all of them. Here are five more ways to start feeling happier in your marriage. Read More

A happy couple sitting together on the floor

Start Feeling Happier in Your Marriage- Part 1

By Connection7 Comments

Do you feel happy and satisfied in your marriage? This might seem like a loaded question. On one hand, “yes” seems like the correct answer, but in reality, things can be a bit more complicated. Perhaps you don’t feel happy at the moment, or you’re going through a tough season. Maybe you’re usually pretty content, but have definitely experienced your ups and downs together.

The truth is, there are many dynamic factors that affect how satisfied you both feel with your relationship. The good news is that you and your spouse have control over almost of all of them – you’re not just passive passengers along for the ride. Need some examples? Here are five ways to start feeling happier in your marriage. Read More

Couple talking on the shore, woman's hand on man's back

5 Daily Moments That Make or Break Your Connection

By Connection16 Comments

When it comes to feeling connected to your partner, what are the main factors that play into that? You might think of things like whether or not you’ve recently had a fight or how much quality time you’ve gotten to spend together lately. Those things certainly contribute to it. But there are also several small moments throughout every day where you have a choice: you can capitalize on the opportunity to connect – or you can let the moment pass. While your relationship certainly isn’t doomed if you occasionally choose the latter, choosing one over the other consistently is bound to have a corresponding, cumulative effect on your marriage. Here are five daily moments that can make or break your connection over time: Read More

Happy Couple Hugging

Learn These Things About Yourself to Become a Better Spouse

By Connection, Relationship Basics5 Comments

It’s often said that in order to love someone else, you need to love yourself first. You might think just involves having a healthy sense of self-worth and generally liking yourself as a person, and that is part of it for sure. But truly loving yourself goes deeper than this. It involves really understanding who you are – the good, the bad, and everything in between. And although it’s somewhat counterintuitive, looking inward can actually improve your marriage. It’s true! Here are three key areas in which learning more about yourself can make you a better spouse. Read More

Couple warming hands by the fire in front of cabin surrounded by snow

4 Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage During the Holidays

By Connection, Family & Friends, Quality Time3 Comments

During this festive time of year, there’s a lot of emphasis on spending time with others – extended family, friends, neighbors, etc. It might feel strange to put your spouse first – but it shouldn’t! Your marriage deserves to be prioritized year-round. Wondering how you can keep it top-of-mind with so much going on? We’ve got some tips to share. Read More

Couple with arms around each other on skateboard

3 Surprising Signs Of A Strong Bond

By ConnectionOne Comment
Do you feel like you and your spouse have a strong bond? Hopefully the answer is yes. If so, what exactly makes you feel that way? Interestingly, that might be harder to pinpoint than you’d think.

Maybe you’re great communicators and skilled at dealing with conflict. It’s true that those things often go hand in hand with feeling strongly connected, and they definitely should not be minimized. But these are not the only signs! Sometimes it’s a bunch of seemingly small, subtle things that contribute to an overall feeling of closeness and connection. Often those things can be just as important, even if they don’t seem as “serious” in terms of healthy relationship habits. Let’s discuss a few of these surprising, and sometimes quirky, signs of a strong bond. Read More

4 Ways to Give Back (while growing closer)

4 Ways to Give Back (While Growing Closer)

By ConnectionOne Comment

Pitching in, donating your time, volunteering, serving others. It goes by many names, but one thing is certain: giving back is not only great at an individual level, it’s also an amazing experience you can share with your partner. Beyond the obvious benefit of doing something good for others or for your community, there are many other positives as well. It gives you a chance to reaffirm your shared values, fill your cups through a meaningful activity, and strengthen your bond as a couple. Here are four ways to give back while growing closer as a couple. Read More

10 Loving Ways to Surprise Each Other

By Connection9 Comments

Not everyone loves surprises. If this sounds like you or your spouse, you might cringe at the thought of surprising each other. But before you stop reading, let us clarify. Surprises don’t have to come in the form of an over-the-top surprise party with every person you know in attendance (the horror!) They can actually be relatively small, simple ways to show love and appreciation or boost your level of connection. Here are 10 ideas to get your gears turning: Read More

Showing Love When You’re Not Really Feeling It

By Conflict, Connection6 Comments
Real talk. You love your spouse. But sometimes, you don’t really feel all that loving. Maybe you are angry with them or are still processing emotions around a conflict. Perhaps you’re emotionally flooded or you’ve had a horrible day and just need some space. Whatever the case, it’s normal to not feel loving and affectionate toward your spouse 100% of the time. However, constantly taking your anger, frustration, or other difficult emotions out on them (even when they might be the cause), will take a toll on your relationship.

Fortunately, there are ways to let your spouse know your love for them hasn’t wavered – that you’re still “with” them and committed to your marriage even if you’re not feeling especially warm towards them at the moment. These small things provide reassurance that you will reconnect, even if it’s not immediately. Let’s explore. Read More