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Couple warming hands by the fire in front of cabin surrounded by snow

5 Meaningful “Now & Later” Gift Ideas

By Connection, Quality Time 4 Comments

What makes a gift meaningful? Honestly, it probably depends on the person. It could be expensive or free, functional or frivolous, as long as it’s given with intention and thoughtfulness – and makes the recipient feel known, loved, and/or holds sentimental value.

There’s no shortage of meaningful gift ideas out there; you’ve probably given and received some yourself. So we decided to put a spin on it with these two-part gift ideas for your partner. Each one has a component to enjoy right now and another to be saved for later or carried into the future. Let’s get started: Read More

couple cuddling on their bed

3 Ordinary Situations That Catch Your Relationship Off Guard

By Conflict, Resilience 7 Comments

Some say that life is made up of all of the ordinary moments and ho-hum days, the run-of-the-mill, mundane stuff that comprises our day to day. The peaks and valleys tend to get a lot of attention, but the majority of time is spent in the middle. It makes sense then, that these are the times that most often test your relationship in small ways, and usually when you least expect it. Here are three ordinary situations that can catch your relationship off guard: Read More

couple sitting on top of car hood laughing together

3 Habits That Are Stealing Your Memorable Moments (& How to Reclaim Them)

By Quality Time 7 Comments

Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays – our lives are sprinkled with special moments of celebration, joy, sentimentality, and love that we want to remember years down the road. The ironic thing is, it seems like the more we try to make them a picture-perfect memory, the less present we actually are in the moment. Have you experienced this? It’s understandable – we want to remember the details of a special vacation with our spouse, a first holiday as a family, or a dreamy anniversary date. But there are some sneaky habits that can steal away our memorable moments. Here’s what to look out for – and how to reclaim those moments. Read More

Couple walking into sunset, arms around shoulders, kiss on forehead

5 Times Patience Pays Off In Marriage

By Relationship Dynamics 4 Comments

Patience is one of those things that tends to fly under the radar. Its presence can be overlooked or taken for granted, but if you’re on the receiving end of impatience, you’ll probably feel it. The truth is, whether you’re consciously putting effort into exercising patience or it comes naturally to you, it’s important. It’s not only an extension of empathy and respect, but a way to convey unconditional acceptance and commitment. Here are five times patience pays off. Read More

woman hugging man and kissing him on the cheek in front of green cacti

You Can Be Both Grateful And…

By Resilience 8 Comments

I should be grateful.

Have you ever found yourself thinking these words on the heels of experiencing some negative emotions? Maybe you’re angry with your spouse or going through a tough time in general. You attempt to change your perspective and pull yourself out of your funk by focusing on gratitude instead. It’s a noble cause. After all, we talk about the positive effects of gratitude on this very blog.

The issue arises when we use an obligation to be grateful as a way to tamp down or invalidate other legitimate feelings. Here’s the deal: gratitude is not cancelled out by other emotions. You can be both grateful – and other things, too. Read More

Smiling woman jumping into man's arms in brightly lit doorway

How Gratitude Helps Fend Off Fights

By Conflict, Connection 10 Comments

When you think of the way you express and experience gratitude in your relationship, what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s kind words, heartfelt gestures, or a loving smile or touch. These are momentary expressions of the sentiment, but the fact is, the influence of a grateful mindset has a way of echoing throughout your entire relationship in a positive way that promotes a sense of harmony. We’re not saying it will prevent you from ever fighting again (conflict can be healthy, after all) but it can help you avoid the unnecessary ones that do more damage than good. Not sure what we mean? Keep reading. Read More

Couple talking on the shore, woman's hand on man's back

How Money Disagreements Can Bring You Closer

By Conflict 7 Comments

Money can be one of those touchy subjects for couples. If it’s a topic you and your spouse struggle with, you might be able to attest to the fact that it can make you feel 1,000 miles apart. When you simply can’t understand each other’s perspective and don’t see eye to eye on basic tenets of managing your finances, getting aligned seems like a pipe dream. It doesn’t have to be this way! Let’s explore why money is such a tricky issue and how your differences can actually be an opportunity to grow closer. Read More

Couple sitting outside foreheads together holding hands

5 Times Your Spouse Needs Your Support The Most

By Relationship Basics 11 Comments

An important part of marriage is being there for each other. It’s one of the underpinnings of a strong relationship, but it’s also, well, rather vague. Your vows may have specified for richer or poorer or in sickness and health, but the truth is, often the times in which we need that extra support are not always so clearly defined. They might seem like ordinary, “just part of life” circumstances. That, combined with getting wrapped up in the hustle of our own daily life demands means it’s easy to miss out on opportunities to truly support our partner when they need it most. Here are five times to be aware of when your spouse might need extra support. Read More

You’re Teaching More Than Manners

By Parenting 4 Comments

As a kid, were you constantly being reminded by your parents to employ good manners? If you have children, chances are you’re trying to teach them manners as well. There’s a sense of intention around instilling the habit of saying please and thank you, excuse me, I’m sorry, and the like. Paradoxically, it’s often the things that we’re unintentionally teaching and modeling for our kids that they pick up on the most. (If you’ve ever let a curse word slip out around your little ones, you’ll know what we’re talking about.)

With that in mind, what are your children learning from the interactions between you and your spouse? As you model good manners with each other, what are the deeper lessons behind the words? Here are some examples. Read More

Couple putting dinner in the oven together

3 Common Role Challenges & How to Solve Them Together

By Conflict, Relationship Dynamics 15 Comments

When you think about the various roles you fill in life, what comes to mind? There are the familial roles (husband, wife, mother, father, etc.), roles related to your job or livelihood, maybe even important roles in your community. But what about roles within your relationship? When it comes to who’s responsible for which household chores, handles the finances, or wrangles the kids’ schedules, things are not always so clear cut. Because of this, it’s common to have conflicts or tension pop up. Here are three common role challenges and how you can solve them together. Read More