A Game-changer for Couples

Built on 40+ years of ground-breaking relationship research.

Prepare/Enrich is not your ordinary marriage prep or enrichment program. Its revolutionary, personalized nature creates a one-of-a-kind experience for every couple, ensuring they take the relationship-transforming insights to heart. Most importantly, Prepare/Enrich lowers couples’ risk of divorce by 31%.

Over 250,000 professional and lay leaders, just like you, can’t be wrong.

Perfectly Tailored for Every Couple

No matter what stage of life your couples are in, Prepare/Enrich meets them where they are – asking them critical questions to set them up on a path of growth and satisfaction.

  • Dating Couples
  • Engaged Couples
  • Newlywed Couples
  • Married Couples
  • Remarried Couples
  • Retired Couples

We’ve got you covered on every topic and trait

Prepare/Enrich includes both standard and custom-selected questions based on your couple’s unique background and relationship.

Core Relationship

Building blocks that lay the groundwork for every relationship include:

  • Communication
  • Conflict
  • Finances
  • Intimacy
  • Spiritual Beliefs

Personal Factors

Individuality and preferences influence the relationship. Gain insight into:

  • Personality
  • Habits
  • Assertiveness & Self-confidence
  • Avoidance & Partner Dominance
  • Roles & Responsibility


Faith helps guide our beliefs and values. Specific customizations include:

  • Catholic
  • Protestant
  • Jewish
  • Orthodox Christian
  • Interfaith

Children & Parenting

Parenting has a colossal impact on a couple’s relationship. Topics include:

  • Planning for a family
  • Parenting
  • Step-parenting
  • Intergenerational issues
  • Adoption/Foster Care

Life & Career

Personal life choices add complexity for couples. Aspects include:

  • Health
  • Leisure Time
  • Stress (wedding, military, general)
  • Military Life & Deployment
  • Role transitions (55+)

Culture & Family

Culture and family add nuance to the relationship. Questions explore:

  • Ethnic/Cultural differences
  • Family & Friends
  • Family Closeness & Flexibility
  • Couple Closeness & Flexibility
  • Value/Belief system differences

The Facilitator Report

Assessment results are compiled into a robust Facilitator Report, which includes personal details, how satisfied each person is, and how aligned they are as a couple. It’s jam-packed with groundbreaking insights to spark conversation with your couple.

Report includes:
  • Couple type classification and results summary
  • Scores on overall satisfaction and idealism
  • How each person answered specific questions
  • Profiles on both stress and personality for each person
  • Skill-building exercise recommendations

Prepare/Enrich makes it easy for you to understand and unpack the results by providing ready-to-read feedback on every page.

Facilitator Training

Choose from two training options to find the best fit for your schedule and learning style.
Both provide you with critical knowledge and examples you need to succeed using Prepare/Enrich.


  • Access training content immediately
  • Get certified in 3 hours or less
  • Complete at your own pace from anywhere


  • Hosted by a local expert Trainer
  • Commit to a date to complete training
  • Meet and interact with professionals like you

How it Works

Prepare/Enrich’s proven method (assessment + discussion + skill-building) increases relationship satisfaction and has the power to lower the risk of divorce by 31%.


Invite Couple

Register your couple to take the customized assessment.

Unpack Report

Share results with your couple and provide insightful feedback.

Build Skills

Guide your couple through skill-building relationship exercises to foster growth.

Repeat Cycle

Continue meeting with your couple to share results and build skills.

Explore the sample report

Learn how to use Prepare/Enrich with couples to provide personalized insights

Facilitator Dashboard

Manage the couples in your care with ease.
  • Invite couples to take the assessment
  • Access reports for each couple
  • Control prepaid scoring credits
  • Review training videos
  • Download resources and feedback materials

Unlock your Facilitator dashboard as soon as you complete training.

Facilitator Resources

Explore a library of resources, including help guides and the Workbook for Couples, which contains 25+ skill-building exercises that correspond to the assessment topics. You’ll also gain exclusive access to purchase other feedback materials including:

  • Facilitator Conversation Cards
  • Discussion Guide for Couples
  • Marriage Mentor program
  • Group Program curriculum

We provide you a fully stocked, downloadable Facilitator promotional kit to help you promote your services once you’re trained!

Become a Facilitator today! Start Training Now